We matched donations up to $20,000!

Stephen Buckle plants a tree at the “International Peace Initiative” in Meru, Kenya 2016.

They are doing some amazing work drilling fresh water wells in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is a group that we know personally & have worked with in the past, including participating in a trip to Kenya in 2016 (see picture). On that trip we saw this organization in action, & saw lives changed in front of our eyes.

Water scarcity and contamination is a global crisis that affects billions. Around 1 in 7 people lack access to reliable clean water. And, of those, about 40% live in Sub-Saharan Africa. Without clean water, education cannot thrive, gender inequality grows, economic activity becomes stagnant, and development is stifled.

That’s where Well Aware comes in. Well Aware is a 501(c)3 nonprofit based in Austin, TX that funds and implements sustainable clean water systems to drive economic development and empower communities in East Africa. With Well Aware’s technical expertise and community-driven approach, they maintain a 100% success rate - redefining the water aid industry and setting a new standard for efficiency and sustainability. To date, they have transformed nearly 300,000 lives through lasting clean water.

This Christmas, Print Crypto matched your donations up to $20,000 to help Well Aware hit their $60,000 end of year goal. These funds are going towards providing clean water to 4000 more people! We are all fortunate in this space & feel it’s our responsibility to support those who are less fortunate. Please click the link to learn more & by all means consider donating!

Happy holidays!

- Stephen


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