Green candles feel oh so good!

Hello again from your friendly neighborhood crypto mining family. I’m Alex from Orion & Taurus, LLC. Today is a great day for all of us in bitcoin and crypto. Green candles feel oh so good! It feels like all those sleepless nights wondering if you made the right decision to get into the crypto game were all for nothing, right? All the stress of waiting for the value to go up seems silly today. It is important to enjoy the victories when they come. Absolutely.

Let me tell you a brief story about the last time I felt this way. I committed mining in October 2020 before the real price action started. It was shear luck that I caught the bull market just right. My newly formed LLC was able to ride the wave well. At one point we were making over $1,000/day once we had all our equipment online. It felt good...I felt like the risk that I took was all worth it and we were going to be ok.

Then April 2021 happened. Suddenly BTC went from $64k down to $28K with other cryptos suffering even worse down turns. That did not feel so great. I learned a few valuable lessons through the next few months. One was to relish the good times, but always be ready for the bad. Second, everything in the marketplace, no matter if it’s stocks, commodities, or cryptos has cycles. Cycles are those “sine wave” patterns that go up and then down repeatedly. It is not right or wrong nor good or bad; it just is how markets function. Lastly, the best investments that you can ever make are in your own education. When you continue to educate yourself, you can constantly improve your intrinsic value to the marketplace and thereby increase what you are able to make.

So, take a moment...take in the earned it! But remember the big picture, have a plan, and always keep learning!

Your friendly neighborhood mining family! Alex Hays and Company
Orion & Taurus, LLC


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